Thursday, January 7, 2010

Delicious Oven-Baked Potatoes

This is a simple way to treat potatoes. It is a deliciously different preparation from a baked potato or mashed potatoes. They're all good, but after having mashed potatoes so often, it's a nice break to have some simple oven fries.

It scales indefinitely, but plan on about 1 baking potato per person (4-6 fries per person) for a meal.

Line a large metal baking dish with aluminum foil. Preheat the oven to 450.

Take some large russet baking potatoes - these things have the high starch content that makes them into good fries. Cut them lengthwise into 4-6 slices. Toss with approx 1t olive oil, 1t salt, and 1/2 t savory herbs (I use my Uncle Bob and Aunt Lindell's magic herb mixture). Go crazy here - paprika, pepper, cumin, whatever. Try and pick a flavor that will contrast with whatever your main dish is, as the fries will be used to soak up leftovers from the plate.

Lay out the potatoes, skin side down in the dish. Don't crowd them - you don't want them to touch each other at all, or they'll be all mooshy.

Bake for about 30 minutes, until they're well-browned.

Optionally, after they're done cooking sprinkle freshly-grated Parmesan cheese on them and return to the oven for 2 minutes.

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